All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 73 of 73 in total

Data-Driven Content Creation with Arie Stavchansky (Founder of DataClay)

In this episode of The Bootstrapped SaaS Operator, Arie Stavchansky joins us to talk about DataClay, his startup, freeing video content creators from boring data entry...

Sales-led vs Product-led, Upselling Team, and Much More with Daniel Melkersson of PinMeTo

In this episode of The Venture-Scale SaaS Operator, Daniel Melkersson shares his decade-long story of building PinMeTo, a unique “upselling” team, and getting to more ...

Raising $5M after building in stealth for two years with Emre Koksal of DAtAnchor

In this episode of The Venture-Scale SaaS Operator, Emre Koksal, founder of DAtAnchor, joins us to talk about his data protection SaaS and the uncertain VC market.Tune...

Bearish VC Market, Life as a Solopreneur, and much more with Robin Singhvi of SmartCue

In this episode of The Venture-Scale SaaS Operator, Robin Singhvi joins us with his solopreneur story of founding and running SmartCue.Tune in to learn more about:~ Ad...

How to grow an insurtech startup with Sondre Rasch (Founder of SafetyWing)

In this episode of The Venture-Scale SaaS Operator, Sondre Rasch joins us to talk about insurance for Digital Nomads and Remote teams.Tune in to learn more about:~ Gro...

How to grow sustainably with VC funding | Matt Doyle (Founder of BuildArray)

In this episode of The Venture-Scale SaaS Operator, Matt Doyle joins us with the story of BuildArray, from bootstrapping to Venture Capital.Tune in to learn more about...

How to hire the best talent by NOT using AI with Jonnathan Koch (Founder of, TalentGenie)

In this episode of The Bootstrapped SaaS Operator, Jonnathan Koch joins us to discuss recruiting in SaaS and how AI is reshaping it – for better or worse.Tune in to le...

How to use Debt Financing to grow your SaaS, with Steve Benson (Founder of Badger Maps)

In this episode of The Bootstrapped SaaS Operator, Steve Benson joins us to discuss tech recession and debt financing for SaaS.Tune in to learn more about:~ How to kee...

Twitter Marketing and Building in Public with Goutham Jay (Founder of

In this episode of The Indie SaaS Operator, Goutham Jay joins us with real-world advice for building in public and Twitter marketing.Tune in to learn more about:How to...

Buying SaaS, startups using AI & much more with Stefan Wirth (Founder of SwiftBrief)

In this episode of The Indie SaaS Operator, Stefan Wirth joins us to talk about buying SaaS, startups using AI, and much more.Tune in to learn more about:~ Steps to ta...

Building Niche SaaS while Working a Day Job with Matthew Reid (Co-founder of PriceWell)

In this episode of The Indie SaaS Operator, Matthew Reid talks about building an indie business while working a full-time job.Tune in to learn more about:~ How to find...

Building SaaS companies the contrarian way, with Outseta Co-Founder Geoff Roberts

In this episode of The Bootstrapped SaaS Operator, Geoff Roberts joins us with the inspiring story of Outseta.Tune in to learn more about:~ How to stay determined even...

Building a Niche SaaS with Your Spouse as Co-Founder, with Lukas Hermann (Co-Founder of

In this episode of The Bootstrapped SaaS Operator, Lukas Hermann from joins us. offers a countdown timer for the production houses, helping...

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